Tuesday 6 November 2012

Tekkit Cyber Miner - What happens when there are too many mods/admins

So only recently my internet went back to normal, so the day after, I played on Tekkit Cyber Miner.

I went on a drop party, where admins drop free stuff to contributors, got a bunch of Red Matter and HV Solar Arrays.

After that I crafted red matter stuff like tools and armour.

I also went mining, getting heaps of ores.

I tried to help an admin build a factory promising a reward of 1 million dollars in-game currency, but when I went on the roof to remove excess wires, he teleported me to spawn, and gave me a warning because he thought I was taking the wires, although I was trying to fix the wires because of my OCD.

Later, that admin wanted to trade low/medium-voltage transforms with someone for 1-6k dollars, but as no one answered, he said something like: "TRADE WITH ME YOU ASSHOLES"
No wonder he gave me a warning, I thought he was like a 10 year old.

After a few hours when I went to see griefing by an "idiotic" mod (I believe) involving high-voltage solar arrays at spawn, I said: "Jordan look!", jordan (member, jordanleeleebest ~ffJordanff) spammed "robert griefed!", that "10 year old" admin said: "I WARNED YOU ROBERT!", kicked me, and jailed me.

But I did NOT even HIT a block around that area with my TOOLS, nor my FIST.
I also believe no mod used logblock (to track griefing) for proof.

Most mods/admins on there are irresponsible.


  1. and first have you post a report abuse on the forum ??

    its easy for me see if you tell the true with log
    next time dont say shit and go where you need to go

  2. I forgot the abuser's username, so hard luck, and the post would've been deleted from the forum

